Does the First Latin Quran Translation Mark a Shift from Ignorance to Understanding? In Criticizing Richard Southern’s Thesis

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El Hassan Assouik


This article seeks to elucidate the historical context of the first Latin translation of the Qur’an in the twelfth century, undertaken by Robert of Ketton under the order and guidance of Petrus Venerabilis. This translation, the earliest Orientalist effort of its kind, is one of three medieval European Christian translations of the Qur’an into Latin (12th–15th centuries). The paper also examines the ideological influences behind this project, in particular the biases and polemical language shaped by Byzantine theology, as reflected in the works of John of Damascus (8th century) and Abd al-Masih ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (9th century). These influences later elicited John of Segovia, three centuries on, to produce a more faithful and objective translation.

The article is divided into five sections: the stage of Christian superiority over the Muslims, the first Christian-Muslim debates, the initial translation of the Qur’an’s meanings into Latin, a refutation of Richard Southern’s claims, and, finally, John of Segovia’s critique of Robert of Ketton.

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How to Cite
Assouik, E. H. (2024). Does the First Latin Quran Translation Mark a Shift from Ignorance to Understanding? In Criticizing Richard Southern’s Thesis. Ijtihad Journal for Islamic and Arabic Studies, 1(2), 245–261. Retrieved from


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