The Objectives of Islamic Law and their Relationship with Legal Evidence

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Nourdine Karrat


This article addresses the topic of the objectives of Islamic law (the Maqāṣid) and its relationship with legal evidence, focusing on the intersection with the science of the principles of jurisprudence (Uṣūl al-Fiqh) and the theory of Islamic law’s objectives. The article is divided into two sections. The first section discusses the close relationship between the principles of jurisprudence and the objectives of Sharia, drawing on the opinions of various jurists. The second section, focuses on the objectives of Sharia and the method of induction, an essential component of this science, since if the objectives of Sharia require evidential support, such support mostly comes from the method of induction. This method not only strengthens these objectives but also ensures their dominance throughout the entire process of diligence, without, however, granting them independence in proving legal rulings.

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How to Cite
Karrat, N. (2024). The Objectives of Islamic Law and their Relationship with Legal Evidence. Ijtihad Journal for Islamic and Arabic Studies, 1(1), 179–193. Retrieved from